近期在CFA官网上金融没有发现mock,这是怎么回事? 原来MOCK已经修改名称叫Tests。下面截图CFA官网搜索mock的情况,竟然没有mock下载,而是一些cfa mock相关文章。

Tests (formerly called Mock Exams)
Tests: Tests are designed to mimic, as closely as possible, the exam experience. It is timed and structured with approximately the same topic area weights and level of difficulty as the actual exam.
Fee:Free, when you register for an exam.
(The exam registration fee covers the cost of :
The eBook (contains the complete curriculum you need to study)*
Practice tests and mock exams)
CFA备考是要注意认真看书的,不过也不能忽视掉做题的重要性,尤其是要有做历年CFA Tests(即Mock)的准备,官方Tests最接近真题,Tests考试难度、结构、考点、形式都基本和正式CFA考试一样。要想考过CFA就不能不做历年官方Tests 。
Candidates also have access to practice questions and tests (mock exams). Questions are based on the current curriculum for the exam level you registered for, and they are in the same format as the questions on the actual exam.
Practice: Practice questions based on lessons in the curriculum to help you assess your topic-level strengths and weaknesses.
Tests: Tests are designed to mimic the exam-day experience as closely as possible. Each test is timed and structured with approximately the same topic area weights and level of difficulty as the actual exam.
中国CFA考试网(综合整理,来源:中国CFA考试网,原创文章,经授权转载,若需引用或转载,请注明出处 ,仅供参考、交流之目的。