  #CFA考试倒计时50天#  永远对生活充满希望,对于困境与磨难,微笑应对。
  1,Which of the following is most likely part of the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct, Standard I–Professionalism? Members and candidates:
  A. must understand and comply with all applicable laws.
  B. must not engage in practices that distort prices or artificially inflate trading volume with the intent to mislead market participants.
  C. must deal fairly and objectively with all clients when providing investment analysis, making investment recommendations, taking investment action, or engaging in other professional activities.
  2,Yuan, CFA, is chief investment officer of Golden Securities. Recently, Yuan found that their company's promotional materials for marketing activities had a mistake. The value of their management asset list on the material was higher than their current actual market value. Yuan realized the reason might be recent market volatility. Which of the following actions is most accurate to comply with the CFA Institute Code and Standard.
  A. Do nothing, because the day material made, the value was correct.
  B. Correct the asset value and add a footnote indicating the day that the value calculated.
  C. Report the mistake to government regulators.
  3,Yuan, CFA, is a bond research analyst in XYZ securities. XYZ securities hold a large position in the bond of Carly Group. In last week, many securities company change the stock recommendation of Carly Group, since the disappointing financial report just released. It also led to the collapse of Carly bond prices. Yuan’s supervisor asked Yuan to call their clients and convinced them to continue holding the bonds of Carly Group. However, Yuan had a different thought. He believed the Carly bond price was overvalued. Which of the following action is the most appropriate to comply with the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, Yuan should:
  A. make these calls with prominent disclose.
  B. follow his supervisor’s request, because of the chain of command.
  C. deny his supervisor’s request.
  4,To minimize the impact material nonpublic information inside the investment firm, which of the following actions are appropriate except:
  A. Banning personal trading.
  B. Building firewalls.
  C. Cutting compliance department to increase efficiency.
  5,Yuan, CFA, is a famous research analyst works on Golden Securities. Sam Group appreciates Yuan’s research report quality and invites him to write an issuer-paid research report. According to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, Yuan should:
  A. accept this assignment with a flat fee and disclose this relationship in the report.
  B. accept this assignment with a fee linked the Sam Group stock price and disclose the fee in the report.
  C. reject this assignment because it will compromise his independence and objectivity.

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  考生在考前除了当年的mock exams外,近两年的必须看一遍,搞懂,做笔记!这很重要!时间条件允许的话,还可以做之前3到4年的CFA考试mock。按照时间标准来做一次,模拟体验一下节奏!状体要调整好!

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特许金融分析师(Chartered Financial Analyst,简称CFA)代表全球投资行业最高水平并受到最高道德标准约束。CFA是由美国投资管理与研究协会(AIMR)于1963年开始设立的特许金融分析师职业资格认证。其职业考试每年举办两次,是世界上规模最大的职业考试之一,是当今世界证券投资与管理界普遍认可一种职称。