摘要CAIA考试是一门什么样金融考试;即特许另类投资分析师,由位于美国马萨诸塞州的特许另类投资分析师协会 (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association) 授予,是目前世界上唯一的针对专门

CAIA,即特许另类投资分析师,由位于美国马萨诸塞州的特许另类投资分析师协会 (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association) 授予,是目前世界上唯一的针对专门从事另类投资的人士设计的教育标准。
Distinguish yourself with knowledge, expertise, and a clear career advantage – become a CAIA Charterholder. CAIA? is the globally-recognized credential for professionals managing, analyzing, distributing, or regulating alternative investments.
Successful completion of two exams and Membership in the CAIA Association puts you among an elite group of more than 11,000 professionals worldwide. And, your education doesn’t end once you’ve passed and joined. Membership keeps you current and connected.
Earning the CAIA Charter is an investment in your career.
Relevant: Learn what you need to know for success and credibility in alternatives.
Current: Program materials are reviewed and updated regularly.
Efficient: 75% of Candidates who earn their CAIA Charter do so in 12 to 18 months.
Comprehensive: Two exam levels cover everything from the characteristics of various strategies within each alternative asset class to portfolio management concepts central to alternative investments.
Level I Topic(CAIA一级考试科目权重)
Approximate Exam Weight
Professional Standards and Ethics15-20%
Introduction to Alternative Investments20-25%
Real Assets including Commodities10-20%
Hedge Funds10-20%
Private Equity5-10%
Structured Products10-15%
Risk Management and Portfolio Management5-10%
Level II Topic(CAIA二级考试科目权重)
Multiple Choice Constructed Response
Professional Standards and Ethics0% 10%
Current and Integrated Topics0% 10%
Asset Allocation and Institutional Investors8-12% 0-10%
Private Equity11-15% 0-10%
Real Assets13-17% 0-10%
Commodities5-7% 0-10%
Hedge Funds and Managed Futures18-22% 0-10%
Structured Products5-7% 0-10%
CAIA二级侧重点:评估如何在投资组合管理环境中应用在第一级中学到的知识和分析。 两种考试都包括道德和职业操守部分。