好书推荐马克扎肯伯格的Reading List
摘要Facebook的CEO Mark Zuckerberg有非常良好的阅读习惯,他每两周读一本书,并在个人的Facebook页面上分享他的阅读感言。他把他的reading list称为A Year of Books。现在ACP的小编就跟大家分享一下到现在为止他的书单。 The Muqaddimah: An introductio n to H

Facebook的CEO Mark Zuckerberg有非常良好的阅读习惯,他每两周读一本书,并在个人的Facebook页面上分享他的阅读感言。他把他的reading list称为"A Year of Books"。现在ACP的小编就跟大家分享一下到现在为止他的书单。

"The Muqaddimah: An introduction to History" BY Ibn Khaldum


这本书写于1406年,是迄今为止较重要的一部讲述伊斯兰早起及近代文明的书,也同时是古埃及历史系列中较畅销的书。作者是当时阿拉伯注明学者Ibn Khaldum。本书讲述了伊斯兰的历史,宗教,哲学,经济,社会和人种等等。

Mark Zuckerberg:

”While much of what was believed then is now disproven after 700 more years of progress, it's still very interesting to see what was understood at this time and the overall worldview when it's all considered together.“


"The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness" BY Michelle Alexander

The New Jim Crow非常具有批判性,该书质疑了奥巴马的上位是否真得提高了黑人的地位。作者,同时也是一名法律学者Michelle Alexander认为美国并没有解决黑人受歧视的问题,”我们只是重新设计了种族阶梯制度“。而美国的司法系统更是保障了白人的种族控制权,确保数以万计的黑人低人一头的地位。本书的言辞非常犀利,同时也是种族歧视相关书籍中较为畅销的书。

Mark Zuckerberg:

"This social justice book outlines the many ways the US criminal justice system discriminates against minorities, disadvantages them and prevents everyone from having equal opportunity."


“Orwell's Revenge. The 1984 Palimpsest” BY Peter Huber


Mark Zuckerburg:

"After seeing how history has actually played out, Huber's fiction describes how tools like the Internet benefit people and change society for the better,"


"The End of Powers: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being In Charge Isn’t What It Used to Be" BY Moise Naim


随着时代的变化,权利也在不断得变化,而这本书就讲述了那些曾经有权利的人、事、物在新时代被不断得冲击,人们生活的方方面面也因此而改变。本书由前Foreign Policy主编Moise Naim执笔,谈到了micropowers是如何推翻垄断,并为市场打开新的机会。商业、宗教信仰、家庭和教育都在micropowers的影响下产生变化。Moise Naim就他的观点举了许多例子,比如1977年有89个国家是独裁者统治,而如今世界一半以上的国家是民主国家。

Mark Zuckerberg:

"The trend towards giving people more power is one I believe in deeply,"


"Creativity, Inc: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration" BY Ed Catmull

本书讲述了Pixar的故事,作者Ed Catmull是皮克斯的co-founder。Ed Catmull在书中分享了他对公司的管理和创业经验,同时他认为公司应该想尽一切办法来避免任何压抑员工的创造力的可能。本书同时也是New York Times Best Seller。

Mark Zuckerburg对本书的评价:

"I love reading first-hand accounts about how people build great companies like Pixar and nurture innovation and creativity,"


"The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined" BY Steven Pinker

虽然你可能不相信,但我们的确生活在人类历史上较和平的年代。即使战争、犯罪和恐怖主义的新闻不断,但暴力一直在下降。这本书延续了畅销书作家Steven Pinker对人性的探究。结合历史和心理学描绘了这个日渐平和的世界。Bill Gates曾评价这本书是他读过的较重要的一本书之一。

Mark Zuckerberg:

"Recent events might make it seem like violence and terrorism are more common than ever, so it's worth understanding that all violence -- even terrorism -- is actually decreasing over time. If we understand how we are achieving this, we can continue our path towards peace.“


"On Immunity" BY Eula Biss

New York Times畅销书,同时也是2014年New York Times十佳书之一。这本书就一个问题提出了探讨:为什么我们害怕疫苗?当作者Biss成为母亲以后,她对越来越多事情产生恐慌,对政府、对医疗机构,甚至由于各种疫苗的留言,不想给孩子接种疫苗。她同时也展开了她对母亲这个位置的思索。

Mark Zuckerberg:

"This book explores the reasons why some people question vaccines, and then logically explains why the doubts are unfounded and vaccines are in fact effective and safe."


"Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets" BY Sudhir Venkatesh

彼时还是一位研究生的作者Sudhir Venkatesh为了完成教授的一个研究进入了芝加哥较臭名昭著的贫民区,却认识了当地的一个帮派老大JT。在之后将近的十二年里,Sudhir在JT的保护下开展了他的研究项目。他日夜观察这个帮派团伙,看他们如何经营自己的业务,如何和邻居“和睦相处”,如何回避法律,如何在城市的灰色地带生存下去。

Mark Zuckerberg:

"The more we all have a voice to share our perspectives, the more empathy we have for each other and the more we respect each other's rights,"

"The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" BY Thomas Kuhn

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions写于1962年。随着科技的革命,作者Kuhn质疑直线的科学观念。认为变革的想法并非来源于一天一天积累的实验数据。而是来源于超出常规的思维,和意料之外的想法。因此“常规科学”并不是科学研究的未来。

Mark Zuckerburg:

“I tend to think that science is a consistent force for good in the world. I think we’d all be better off if we invested more in science and acted on the results of research. I’m excited to explore this theme further.”


"Dealing with China: An Insider Unmasks the New Economic Superpower" BY Henry Paulson

本书的作者Henry Paulson曾经是Goldman Sachs的CEO,对私人企业进军中国发展有很深的研究。他后来担任美国财政部秘书长,与中国就经济改革等进行过多次会谈。本书主要回答了三个问题:中国是如何在如此短的时间内变成世界经济大国?企业应该如何在中国立足?西方的政治家和商业领导们该如何与中国合作,让利益较大化?

Mark Zuckerberg:

"Over the last 35 years, China has experienced one of the greatest economic and social transformations in human history,Hundreds of millions of people have moved out of poverty. By many measures, China has done more to lift people out of poverty than the whole rest of the world combined."


"Rational Ritual: Culture, Coordination and Common Knowledge" BY Michael Chwe

为什么超级碗的广告都是关于啤酒,金融服务和互联网的?为什么要不断得重复国歌?为什么要有政治演讲?本书试图用一个概念回答这一系列问题:Common Knowledge。博弈论表明,为了协调行动,一群人必须拥有一个共同的常识。

Mark Zuckerberg:

"The book is about the concept of 'common knowledge' and how people process the world not only based on what we personally know, but what we know other people know and our shared knowledge as well,"




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