
Congratulations on completing your CFA exams and becoming a CFA charter holder!



To honor your great achievement, we invite you and a guest to attend the CFA Charter Recognition Event in Beijing. Celebrate this important career milestone with fellow new CFA charter holders and meet CFA Institute members! CFA Institute staff and other VIP guests will attend the event and present you with your CFA charter. You are most welcome to invite a family member, friend, mentor, or supervisor to share this exciting moment with you.

We also invite those who passed the CFA Level III exam this year to attend this event to receive your letter of congratulations.




届时, CFA协会理事、CFA协会会员也将会参加此次典礼,与您共同见证您职业生涯中具有里程碑的重要时刻。

Program Details:



13 December 2014 (Saturday)


6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Registration & Cocktail Reception

7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Charter Recognition Event



Grand Salon I-V, Grand Hyatt Beijing at Oriental Plaza,

1 East Chang An Avenue, Beijing



· Free for CFA Society Beijing members, including affiliate members

· RMB100 for other CFA Institute members and candidates

· RMB150 for guests or walk-in participants





Please refer to this map.



Advance booking is required and is on a first-come, first-served basis. To register for this event, please email info@cfabeijing.orgwith your name, member/candidate no., company name, company address, job title, telephone no., event name.

Please complete the reply slip below if you would like to bring a guest. Return the completed slip by e-mail to info@cfabeijing.org.


Reply Slip:

Guest Name: (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss)

@ RMB 150/person

Member/Candidate Name: (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss)


Membership/Candidate No:


Relationship to Member/Candidate:


Guest E-mail:


Guest Tel:



Important Notes to New Charter holders:

1. To earn the CFA charter, you must meet all requirements for a regular membership by 26 November 2014 (Wednesday). Otherwise, you will be presented with a congratulatory letter at the event.


2. Please email info@cfabeijing.org before 26 November 2014 (Wednesday)to register for the event.Late registrations will be accepted only if space is still available. For new charterholders who registerafter 26 November 2014, your charter will be sent by mail and will not be presented at the event. However, you will still be recognized at the event as a new charterholder.


3. If you are not planning to join the event, it is important for you to confirm your mailing address to ensure delivery of your charter. You may check your mailing address by logging on to the CFA Institute website (under “Manage Your Account” for personal information/profile update).



Please call Ms. Alice Zhang on +86-10-88003765.



Registration and Cancellation Policy:

1) Cash payment must be made at the registration desk.

2) Cancellation in writing must be received by 5 December 2014 (Friday).

3) CFA Society Beijing reserves the right to change the date or cancel the event.

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特许金融分析师(Chartered Financial Analyst,简称CFA)代表全球投资行业最高水平并受到最高道德标准约束。CFA是由美国投资管理与研究协会(AIMR)于1963年开始设立的特许金融分析师职业资格认证。其职业考试每年举办两次,是世界上规模最大的职业考试之一,是当今世界证券投资与管理界普遍认可一种职称。