

Topic 1:Portfolio construction—Has behavioral finance made us better?

· Insights from 25 years of research into behavioral finance

· Are the human and organizational barriers to being better investors insurmountable? Can we actually learn and improve our decision-making?


Topic 2:中国近年来并购投资发展方向与机遇

· 1. 国内并购的环境分析

· 2. 国内并购的形式

· 3. 国内并购的发展方向

· 4. 国内并购的发展机遇

· 5. 国内并购经典案例分析




Jack Gray

Director, Arrowstreet Capital Australia


Jack Gray has over 20 years of experience in strategic consulting and finance industry. He has been the director of Arrowstreet Capital Australia since 2010. He is also the director of the Centre for Capital Market Dysfunctionality, University of Technology, Sydney. He is currently working for several firms, including Portfolio Construction Academy, Rawson East Pty Ltd, Janchor Pan-Asian Equities Fund, Brookvine Pty Limited, and others.


In 2013, aiCIO Magazine named him to be one of the world’s 10 most influential academics in institutional investing. He has been a strategic adviser to Vision Super in Melbourne, CBUS (Construction and Building Unions Superannuation) in Melbourne, CSC in Sydney/Canberra, Statewide Super in Adelaide, and others. He has also been invited to make more than 300 presentations in 20 countries and many of his works have been published in prominent media outlets and academic journals.


Zhang Yan

Investment Director, Yuanzhifuhai Capital


Dr. Zhang Yuyan is chief investment officer of Capital Fortune. He taught in the School of Management at Northwest University and is a master supervisor for industry innovation and technology in the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University. Dr. Zhang is also a member of the organizing committee of Tsinghua University’s Post-doctoral Alumni Association in Guangdong and delivers lectures to students who are pursuing business administration degrees in the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University.

Dr. Zhang participated in drafting the development plan of Shenzhen’s Scientific Research Institution during the 12th Five-Year Plan period. He participated in the acquisition and merger of China Shendong Coal Group, a large state enterprise, and Shaanxi Blower Group. He also guided the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University to invest in Shenzhen Qikang Medical Instruments Corporation and Xi’an Mingkewei Technology Development Corporation and took the lead in the backdoor listing of a Beijing corporation.


Event Details:


Saturday, 27 September 2014


6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. (Registration: 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.)


Barcelona Ballroom, Intercontinental Shenzhen Hotel, 9009 Shennan Road, Overseas Chinese Town, Shenzhen




- Free for members paying CFA China service fees;

- RMB100 per person for other CFA Institute members/CFA Program candidates;

- RMB200 per person for non-members/non-candidates/guests;


*Please pay at the reception desk.

*Fee includes dinner.



100 pax


Mandarin and English


Dress Code:

Business casual


Advance booking is required and is on a first-come, first-served basis. To register for this event, please e-mail huyanpingcecilia@163.comwith your name, member/candidate no., company name, telephone no., and event name. Please contact Ms. Cecilia Hu at +86 133 12977856 should you have any inquiries regarding this seminar.

Policy for Cancellation and Substitution:

1) Attendance will be secured on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register early to avoid disappointment.

2) Cancellation in writing must be received by 24 September 2014.

3) Substitution is allowed. Please notify us in writing on or before 24 September 2014.

4) CFA China reserves the right to change the date or cancel the event and will attempt to give registrants sufficient notice prior to such changes.

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