摘要Global Energy: The Private Equity Opportunity of the Century (Digest Summary)

Global Energy: The Private Equity Opportunity of the Century (Digest Summary)

David Haarmeyer
To order reprints of this article, please contact Dewey Palmieri at dpalmieri@iijournals.com or 212-224-3675.
The article looks at private equity/infrastructure opportunities and its drivers across the oil, gas, and power sectors. It concludes that the opportunity is global, unfolding in developing and developed countries; is reverberating across entire value chains; and is massive—it will be a multi-decade, multi-trillion dollar endeavor.

Summarized by Heather K. Traficanti, CFA

Analyzing literature on global energy and private equity opportunities within this sector, the author highlights the massive private equity investment opportunities in energy that are being created because of increasing global demand and shifts in the global energy landscape. Given the long-term projected increase in global energy demand from emerging markets, such as China and India, global energy private equity fund investments may provide the investing opportunity of the century.

Original Author Information

David Haarmeyer is an independent economic and communications consultant.

Author Information

The summary was prepared by Heather K. Traficanti, CFA.

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